East Sussex County Council is a leading example of how support agencies in local areas can work together to improve provision and delivery of evidence-based parenting support services.
Early Help teams have partnered with CCGs to integrate service provision across a number of key services in the region, including key organisations such as schools and GPs, to service a level of need which had been previously unsupported.
With funding from East Sussex County Council and NHS Hastings & Rother CCG, parents can access free one-off sessions, short term groups, an online parenting programme, and one-to-one support..
Sessions cover a variety of issues and topics, including: bedtime routines, managing fighting and aggression, positive parenting and encouraging good behaviour.
Tracey from Hastings signed up Group Triple P after attending an introductory seminar at her child's school. Tracey has two daughters, aged eight and 12. She said: As a parent it is easy to feel like a failure, but Triple P will give you the tools and you decide what you want to achieve. My advice would be to go with an open mind.