CEO Triple P UK
Treatment and prevention work best in combination. Delivering parenting interventions as part of a population health approach to improving outcomes is the way to create long-lasting change. This also aligns with the proven benefits of taking a public health approach to crime prevention.
We help local authorities and third sector agencies prevent and treat problems, support vulnerable families, such as those on the edge-of-care or those experiencing parental conflict, and build community capacity with cost-effective, evidence-based interventions for all families.
Triple P can support local authorities to achieve more with less, including by:
In Ireland, the Midlands Area Parenting Partnership rolled out Triple P across the entire community of Longford Westmeath. Even though not every family took part, the social contagion effect spread the benefits across the community.
For decades, Triple P's programmes have had a strong positive impact on parents and communities around the globe. Now there’s an even more cost-effective way to reach families at scale for minimal financial outlay, with the evidence-based Triple P Online (and Teen Triple P Online) programmes. These can be implemented either through referral pathways or as part of a broad population-level strategy, with an integrated communications campaign and incorporating Triple P's face-to-face programmes.